Thursday, December 4, 2014

November 8, Game 2: Surrey Flyers SY4 versus Semiahmoo C5

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The Flyers hockey team walks out for their second game of the night. #12 Josh Clarke (waving hand). They tied this one.

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#19 Team Captain Sartaj Sangha moves the puck out while Assistant Captain #20 Chris Chikamori looks for an opportunity to block Semi C5's player (number not visible).

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#10 Sahib Basra gets his stick raised by a Semi C5 player.

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Team Assistant Captain Chris Chikamori #20 takes a face-off against Semi C5's Captain.

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Assistant Captain #12 Josh Clarke goes after a puck in the corner while Semiahmoo's team Captain #5 looks for the puck.

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CRUNCH! Semi Captain #5 makes contact with #12 Assistant Captain Josh Clarke to try and get the puck loose.

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#21 Daniel Ruttan skates away from the goal-line bringing the puck out.

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"So this is what the game looks like from in here!" Assistant Captain Chris Chikamori #20 sits for two in the penalty box for tripping.

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Assistant Captain #20 Chris Chikamori looks for a passing lane before deciding to keep the puck and stickhandle through the Semi traffic.

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Two Flyers block the Semi players as Assistant Captain Chris Chikamori manages to sneak past Semiahmoo team captain #5.

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"Hope you don't mind if I step over you." Team Captain Sartaj Sangha #19 skates past a fallen Semiahmoo player.

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The team gathers around the bench.

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Corralling the bouncing puck, #10 Sahib Basra manages to corral the bouncing puck away from attacking Semi #9 as #12 Assistant Captain Josh Clarke watches.

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#16 Nathan Pinag with the puck,

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#16 Nathan Pinag at his most dangerous; directly in front of the opposing team's net.

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#16 Nathan Pinag clears a puck away from three incoming Semiahmoo players.

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Whoops! Where's the puck, Semiahmoo Captain #5 and Flyers #10 Sahib Basra have the puck behind them.

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Team Assistant Captain #20 Chris Chikamori calls out a warning as Team Captain #19 Sartaj Sangha skates in. #17 MK Uppal in the slot.

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#3 Harshbir Brar and #10 Sahib Basra go after a Semiahmoo player with the puck.

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A Semiahmoo player goes after #3 Harshbir Brar after the puck leaves Brar's stick. #8 Kabir Dhillon coming in to help Brar out.

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Semiahmoo player realizes that a late poke check could result in 2 for slashing and looks over at the puck which has left the stick of #3 Harshbir Brar

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Team Captain #19 Sartaj Sangha moves in to intercept Semiahmoo Captain #5 While Flyers #8 Kabir Dhillon and #17 MK Uppal move in for reinforcement.

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Puck whistles just by the net as 3 Flyers breathe a sigh of relief.

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Assistant Captain #12 Josh Clarke races for the puck against Semi's Captain #5.

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Hemmed in by 3 Semiahmoo players. #17 MK Uppal looks for the puck while #9 Ishaan Boparai looks for a pass away from the Semi players.

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Assistant Captain #20 Chris Chikamori fakes a move left as he brings the puck right to go past Semi #15

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Opting to go left, Assistant Captain #20 Chris Chikamori's route gets cut off, by Semi #15.

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#16 Nathan Pinag with the puck while Semi #11 tries to catch up with him.

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"How'd that happen?" The puck sails past Semi #1 (goaltender) as they celebrate.

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"Get in the box, kid!" The ref doesn't look like he's going to listen to excuses as Assistant Captain #20 Chris Chikamori gets sent to the box. Two minutes for tripping.

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#10 Sahib Basra with the puck while Semi #12 wonders how Basra got past him.

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#10 Sahib Basra comes in towards Semi's blue-line at full speed.

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#4 Justin Gill tries to get the puck loose from Semi #9 while #3 Harshbir Brar scrambles to take away the shooting angle.

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Team Assistant Captain #9 Ishaan Boparai scores as #14 Govind Sanghera celebrates.

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#16 Nathan Pinag pressured as Semiahmoo's #11

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#4 Justin Gill attempts to poke-check a Semiahmoo player into coughing up the puck. #8 Kabir Dhillon in the background.

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Assistant Captains #9 Ishaan Boparai, #20 Chris Chikamori keep a wary lookout on Semi #5 (captain of Semiahmoo team) while Flyers Team Captain #19 Sartaj Sangha and #2 Jordan Takama line the center line to keep Semi's captain from getting through.

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#16 Nathan Pinag keeps the puck away from Semiahmoo's team captain #5.

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#4 Justin Gill, #17 MK Uppal in a scrum along the boards as Assistant Captain #9 waits to see if there's a loose puck that will pop loose.

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Assistant Captains #9 Ishaan Boparai and #20 Chris Chikamori on the rush

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Second Handshake Line of the night.

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